Obstetrics/Birthing Center

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At Civista Medical Center, our goal is to make your baby's birth a joyous and meaningful occasion. We are honored to serve you and your growing family.

Congratulations! You are pregnant. Childbirth is one of life's most memorable experiences, and we are honored that you have chosen Civista Medical Center for your care. Our goal is to make your baby's birth a joyous and meaningful occasion. By providing a family-centered approach to your care we strive to meet the needs of all parents. In preparing for your baby's birth, take comfort in knowing that our primary focus at Civista Medical Center is making an environment that is secure, comfortable, and responsive to every family.

Civista Medical Center prides itself on having all private patient rooms including the Birthing Center and postpartum rooms. To make your experience as easy as possible, here is a helpful reminder of what to bring for your hospital stay.

For You
• A bathrobe, nightgown, and slippers.
• Hair band and lip moisturizer
• Something to read or game to play
• An extra pillow, lotion, whatever you need to help you relax
• A nursing bra, breast pads, and maternity underwear.
• Toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, deodorant, etc.
• Important phone numbers for those you will want to call to give them the good news
• An outfit to wear home. Bring something roomy and easy to get into.

For Your Partner
• A change of clothes
• A camera and film to document the big event
• Something to read during the early stages
• Basic toiletries
• Snacks or change for the vending machines

For Baby
• An infant car seat- installed in car
• A going home outfit
• A receiving blanket (heavier one if weather is cold)
• A pair of socks or booties
• Baby book, if desired

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Obstetrics / Birthing Center


24 hours a day, seven days a week

If you believe that you are in labor, please contact your physician first. They will then tell you what to do next.
It is time to go to the hospital. When you arrive at the hospital go directly to the Birthing Center on the first floor. We will assess your condition and get you into a birthing suite when necessary. If arriving after 8:00 p.m. enter through Emergency Department and then proceed to the Birthing Center.
You will not need to stop at Admitting, the information for registration will be sent from the Birthing Center. Please fill out and send in or drop off the Pre-registration form that is available at your doctor's office or the hospital.