Remember, April 16th is National Healthc...
April 16th, 2010 is National Healthcare Decisions Day. National Healthcare Decisions Day was created to encourage patients to express their wishes regarding healthcare, and for providers and facilities to respect those wishes, whatever they may be. Civista encourages you to complete an advance directive... 
BECAUSE THEY CARE: Please join Civista a...
March 30th, 2010 is National Doctors Day. Please join us as we celebrate and honor the physicians who care for us every day. From the staff and patients of Civista, and on behalf of the entire Southern Maryland community, we express our gratitude for the tireless care and unending dedication these professionals... 
A Free Civista Lecture — Surgical ...
Join Civista Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Michael P. O’Reilly for an informative and interesting presentation about the latest advances in surgical and non-surgical treatments for osteoarthritis. The lecture is part of Civista’s community education offering to the public. Pre-registration is required... 
Delicious and Healthy MEATLESS RECIPE ID...
If you are abstaining from meat for Lent or just trying to eat healthier, the Civista Health website has hundreds of healthy vegetarian and meatless recipes. In March, the Health eCooking® recipe library shows you how to make meatless pastas, sandwiches and entrées using ingredients such as fish, vegetables... 
Snowstorm Stories from Civista...
The hardworking and dedicated staff of Civista are here every day—no matter what—to care for our community, through snow, ice, and emergencies. They each make us so proud to be part of the Civista team. Here are some snowstorm stories of our Civista heroes during the blizzards we had in January and...