We Understand and Respect a Woman’s Bu...
The Civista Women’s Health Center is the only women’s primary care center in Charles County, and we are now accepting new patients! At The Civista Women’s Health Center we’re always happy to work with your schedule because, as busy mothers and wives ourselves, we really do know how hectic your... 
A New Year for Helping Your Child Mainta...
One in six children in the U.S. is overweight. Given these numbers, it’s likely that you know, or are related to, one of them. But did you know that overweight children are at high risk of becoming overweight or obese adults? And that this increases their risk of developing serious chronic conditions... 
No More Fad Diets!...
Tried everything to lose weight but nothing seems to work?  Join Civista Women’s Health Center Medical Director Kanika Hampton, M.D. for our new class “No More Fad Diets: Weight Management for Good.” Dr. Hampton will share the latest insights and information on a balanced approach to effective... 
Free to Live Again at the Civista Joint ...
Civista has just launched a new website that helps explain joint replacement surgery, and gives you all the information you need to start a conversation with your doctor about joint replacement. At the new FREE TO LIVE AGAIN website, you can: Watch Videos of Doctors and Past Patients Learn the Questions...