Civista Announces New Emergency Departme...
Civista is proud to announce that Dr. Richard Ferraro, MD, FACEP, has been named Civista’s new Medical Director of the Emergency Department. The brand-new Civista Emergency Department is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week, by physicians, physician assistants, nurses, and technicians. Civista... 
Stroke Support Group...
You’re invited to join Civista’s stroke support group. Meet our multidisciplinary team, learn more about recovering from a stroke, share your experiences, and discover what services Civista has to offer to help you and your family reach your recovery goals. Registration is required but participation... 
Free Prostate Cancer Screening...
American Cancer Society guidelines recommend prostate screening beginning at age 50 for men with normal risk, and beginning at age 45 for African-American men with a father, brother, or son who has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. Civista will offer this potentially life-saving screening FREE in... 
Paint the Park Pink Rescheduled for Sept...
Civista Health is proud to present “Paint the Park Pink” Breast Cancer Awareness Night at Regency Furniture Stadium. Our first date was canceled to due weather, but we’re on again for Saturday, September 12th! So come and celebrate with the Pink Ladies and Sisters at Heart. And don’t forget... 
In this two-hour class, participants will learn the latest ways to incorporate plant sterols and stanols, fiber, monosaturated fats, fish, and soy into their daily diets. Research has shown that by changing your diet to include these items, the risk of heart disease can be reduced by 29-32% (equal to...